Answers to the Old Testament Timeline Quiz with Motions

Answers to this quiz:

What happens first?

  1. Creation
  2. Fall
  3. Flood
  4. Nations

Four Jewish Fathers, who were they?

  1. Abraham
  2. Isaac
  3. Jacob
  4. Joseph

Egypt to Israel, who were the leaders?

  1. Moses led them out
  2. Joshua led them in

Living in the land, who ruled then?

Thirteen Judges like:

  1. Deborah
  2. Gideon
  3. Samson
  4. Samuel was a Prophet and Priest

3 Kings of the United Kingdom:

  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. Solomon

Divided Kingdom with

Israel in the North and

Judah in the South

2 more prophets (lived during divided kingdom):

  1. Elijah
  2. Elisha

Who were captives outside the land?

  1. Daniel
  2. Esther

Who came back to help rebuild?

  1. Ezra
  2. Nehemiah

Here are the motions for the Old Testament Timeline.  You can do the motions as you say the words to help remember the order.

What happens first?

Creation (Move fingers from mouth outward. God speaks and it appears.)

Fall (Make falling motion with arm.)

Flood (Motion: waters rising.)

Nations (Move fingers in scattering motion. People scattered over the earth.)

 4 Jewish Fathers, who were they?

Abraham (Point “go.” God said go and Abraham went.)

Isaac (Move thumb like a knife to chest.)

Jacob (Cross fingers at mouth like an X, “Don’t lie.”)

Joseph (Bow low.)

 Egypt to Israel, who were the leaders?

Moses led them out of Egypt. (Raise arm like a rod, part arms like the sea.)

Joshua led them into the Promised Land. (Motion: blow trumpet.)

 Living in the land, who ruled then?

13 Judges like:

Deborah (Use 3 fingers to form a “W” for woman, the only woman judge.)

Gideon (Motion: blow trumpet & break pitcher.)

Samson (Flex arm muscles.)

Samuel (Hold hand to ear, Samuel listened.)was a Prophet and Priest

3 Kings of the United Kingdom (Motion: Clasp hands together.):

Saul (Raise hand high. Saul was tall.)

David (Rotate hand high like using a sling.)

Solomon (Snap fingers by head, Solomon was smart.)

Divided Kingdom (Slice one hand into the other.)with:

Israel in the North (Point up.) and

Judah in the South (Point down.)

2 more prophets:

Elijah (Motion: praying, then rain falling. Elijah prayed and it rained.)

Elisha (Raise two fingers for double power.)

 Who were captives outside the land?

Daniel (Raise hands like paws and roar. Clap hands like closing mouth.)

Esther (Circle hands over head like a crown.)

 Who came back to help rebuild?

Ezra (Motion: writing, Ezra was a scribe.)

Nehemiah (Motion: hammering. Nehemiah built the wall.)