Old Testament Timeline Quiz

Old Testament Timeline Quiz

Below is a timeline of Old Testament history. Use these names to fill in the blanks where they belong: Daniel, Elisha, Eve, Gideon, Isaac, Joseph, Joshua, Nehemiah, Noah, Samuel, Samson, Solomon.

What happens first?

  1. Creation
  2. Fall _________
  3. Flood _________
  4. Nations

Four Jewish Fathers, who were they?

  1. Abraham
  2. _________
  3. Jacob
  4. _________

Egypt to Israel, who were the leaders?

  1. Moses led them out of Egypt.
  2. _________ led them into the Promised Land.

Living in the land, who ruled then?

Thirteen Judges like:

  1. Deborah
  2. _________
  3. _________
  4. _________ was a Prophet and Priest

3 Kings of the United Kingdom:

  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. _________

Divided Kingdom with

Israel in the North and

Judah in the South

2 more prophets (lived during divided kingdom):

  1. Elijah
  2. _________

Who were captives outside the land?

  1. _________
  2. Esther

Who came back to help rebuild?

  1. Ezra
  2. _________

See the answers here.