March 16, 2009 – Adam Blumer’s Words for Writers

Today we have some helpful comments from a guest writer. I have met Adam Blumer recently through email. He is a former boss to my son-in-law Luke Bolton. His first book is coming out the end of this month.

Adam Blumer (rhymes with plumber) lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with his wife, Kim, and his daughters, Laura and Julia. He works full-time as a freelance writer and editor. A print journalism graduate of Bob Jones University, he served in editorial roles for fourteen years at Northland Baptist Bible College and Awana Clubs International. He has published numerous short stories and articles. Kregel Publications plans to release his first novel, Fatal Illusions on March 31, 2009. Check out his website at

This Writers’ Circle is aimed at people who want to become published authors. Here’s some advice from Adam:

Pray and ask God what He wants to do with your life. If your overriding desire is to write and you show an aptitude in that area, ask God whether He has a future for you as an author. He will confirm His will by granting you publishing credentials, allowing you to win some contests, or opening other publication doors. These are confirmations that you are heading in the right direction.

But before you get starry-eyed, take a minute to evaluate your motives. You may never be on the New York Times or CBA bestseller list. You need to be okay with that. You may never be rich or even make enough money to write full-time. You need to be okay with that. You may never be a famous author or even be well-known or considered “successful” as an author. You need to be okay with that, too. Search your heart for why you want to write. If you knew that your novels, stories, or articles would never be published, would you still write them? Are you writing for your own glory or because God has lit a fire in your soul that you can’t put out?

Keep in mind that being an author is not for the faint of heart. At times, you will walk a lonely path littered by rejection letters, misunderstandings, criticisms, and self-doubts. Countless voices (including your own) will tell you that your writing isn’t good enough. Don’t listen to those voices. Believe in the ability God has given to you, seek to learn and grow (mostly out of failure), and do the best with the ability God has placed in your hands. No one can do more than that. Then pray, work hard, and leave the rest to God.

Be sure writing is what God wants you to do. If He wants you to do something else, then run from writing as fast as you can. But if you are certain that He wants you to write, take steps to dedicate and commit yourself to that pursuit.

Weed your life of distractions and make writing your primary focus (after God and your family, of course). If you are multi-talented, set other abilities aside for writing. Look at your writing as ministry, as something God has uniquely called you to do for His glory. The written word is a powerful tool you can use for the glory of God; and yes, you can even do powerful things through stories.

If possible, find a location and set aside regular, consistent time in your schedule to write. Be dedicated. You’ll never grow unless you write often. (Think of concert pianists and how many hours they practice every day.)

Be prepared to be misunderstood for your commitment. Friends won’t understand when you say you can’t go to the basketball game because you need to write. Lots of people will view your writing as a hobby and won’t take you seriously. Just keep working hard, be dedicated to the craft, trust God, and don’t mind them. Someday, the Lord willing, those same people will ask you to autograph their copy of your book.

Finally, no matter how difficult the journey gets and how defeated you feel at times, never ever give up. God has you on this planet for a reason. He began a good work in you. Be certain that He’ll complete it.

For more writing tips by Adam check out: