Heirlooms of Faith
We used this one during the year that our town celebrated its sesquicentennial (150 year anniversary). It could work well if you are celebrating a church anniversary or special history day in your area.
We collected antiques and collectibles from people in the church and made a display. It is a chance for people to bring things that reflect their family history or have sentimental value. The items do not have to be authentically old or valuable. Collect things that reflect a time gone by or things that show a particular era that will bring memories to those who attend.
Encourage people to wear some sort of vintage dress or clothing from another decade.
Ask people to tell about some of the heirlooms they brought. Give prizes for the oldest heirloom, the most treasured heirloom, the heirloom with the most interesting story.
Ask people to tell about “spiritual heirlooms” in their lives, things that they have learned from other people. You’ll need to announce this before the night so that people will come prepared to share something.
Dorcas Acts 9:36-41
She was full of good works and charitable deeds. She was also a good seamstress. Today she’d be making quilts, treasured heirlooms. She also left a spiritual heritage by being Christ’s disciple and helping others.
Lois, Eunice, Timothy 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14-15
This Jewish mom and grandma knew the Old Testament Scriptures. They probably accepted Christ on Paul’s first missionary journey and traveled with Paul on his second journey. Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to deal with false doctrine. At the end of Paul’s life he wrote 1 and 2 Timothy to Pastor Timothy. Lois and Eunice passed on Bible content, love for the Lord and ministry. They encouraged Timothy to leave home and serve the Lord.
What am I passing on to the next generation? Psalm 145:4-5
Enoch walked with God.
David was a man after God’s own heart.
Abraham was the father of all who believe.
Barnabas was the son of encouragement.
What will my heritage be? That I get good bargains at garage sales and collect teddy bears?
My grandmother made a beautiful wedding ring quilt. She used a few pieces of a fabric which faded in the wash. The quilt was a masterpiece, but the one kind of fabric spoiled the rest. I don’t want one area of my life to spoil my testimony.
What kind of legacy am I leaving behind?
Charles Spurgeon—“Carve your names on hearts, not on marble.”