No Room For Jesus
Deb Brammer
Evan Scott, a modern-day Ebenezer Scrooge, journeys in his dreams through Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come. Can these dreamy visions change a man who has “No Room for Jesus”?
Originally published in Christmas Programs for the Church © 2004 by Standard Publishing.
Contemporary Characters
May be teens or adults and teens; Carolers may be even younger, perhaps middlers or juniors.
EVAN SCOTT—the father, a businessman who is addicted to work
Dickens’ Characters
All three parts may be played by one person or by three separate people, male or female, teen or adult. Costume is a long white robe for each part, perhaps with a wide gold belt. The costume should look similar to the angels’ costumes, but noticeably different.
SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PAST—gentle, childlike, wears a halo of transparent, shiny “Easter grass.” Battery-operated clear lights may be added to the halo to give the shining quality of Dickens’ own spirit.
SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT—bouncy, boisterous, wears a halo of holly leaves like the spirit Dickens used.
SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME—moves and talks slowly and eerily, wears a white hood of generous proportions that is pulled down to largely conceal the face.
Biblical Characters
All wear traditional Bible-times costumes
JOSEPH—same actor as PETER SCOTT
MARY—same actress as BELINDA SCOTT
THREE SHEPHERDS—middlers or juniors
ANGELS—one main angel (a junior) and a group of primaries
VOICE OF GOD in the dream—should be prerecorded by a man with a deep, booming voice.
Stage Setting
The set for this play is very simple. You may use a small stage, no curtain, and a very simple lighting plan to make it work. Divide the stage into three sections. The biblical setting is on the left side of the stage. Make inns by using three refrigerator boxes. Cut a door in the front of each, adding hinges made of black paper, and display signs identifying the inns. (For convenience, stage directions will refer to Inn #1, Inn #2, Inn #3, but the signs should display more creative names for the inns.) INNKEEPERS can enter from behind. Make a stable between Inn #2 and Inn #3 by adding a manger, a stool, and some straw. Stage the “Hillside” scene (see page 11) in front of Inn #1 and Inn #2 or, if you have room, just offstage to the left.
For the center setting, place EVAN SCOTT’S easy chair in the middle of the stage, adding a footstool and magazine rack. Separate this setting from the biblical setting with a potted plant.
For the far right setting, make the Scott family kitchen, which includes a small table and three chairs. Add a door, through which characters will enter and exit.
A simple lamp on the floor can be moved about for the low moving spotlight. Use a floodlight for the bright spotlight at the end. All props are simple everyday items.
The Beginning
Lights on EVAN’S chair and kitchen come on. EVAN is sitting in the chair scribbling on papers. His briefcase full of papers is open beside him. CAROLERS gather by the door and sing, “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.” EVAN gets up, goes to the kitchen, and opens the door, he shouts at the carolers.
EVAN: If you really want this gentleman to get some rest, you’ll find another house to sing at! That would bring me comfort and joy.
(EVAN slams the door [Sound effects: two pieces of word clapped together] and sits back in his chair A doorbell sounds. EVAN gets up and yanks the door open.)
EVAN: I said . . . Oh, Pastor Fenwick. I thought it was those noisy carolers back again.
PASTOR FENWICK Merry Christmas, Evan.
(PASTOR FENWICK enters carrying a bathrobe.)
EVAN: Beth and the kids are out picking out a Christmas tree. Do you want me to have Beth call you when she gets back?
PASTOR FENWICK: No. She doesn’t need to. I just wanted to drop off this bathrobe. (Hands it to EVAN) My wife wanted to see if it would fit Peter. He’s Joseph in the Christmas program this year, you know.
EVAN: I heard.
PASTOR FENWICK: You are coming to the program, I hope.
EVAN: I don’t think so, Pastor. Business is pretty busy this time of year.
PASTOR FENWICK: I know it would mean a lot to Peter and Belinda if you’d come.
EVAN: I think they’ll get along fine without me. It’s just a kids’ play, after all. It’s not exactly a major production. If I remember the story right, Joseph doesn’t have much of a part anyway. He’s the Christ child’s father, right?
PASTOR FENWICK: Actually, Jesus’ father is God. He didn’t have an earthly father. But Joseph brought Jesus up as if He were his own son. He played a very important part in the Christmas story.
EVAN: So does Peter have a lot of lines?
PASTOR FENWICK: I don’t suppose he actually says a lot.
EVAN: Well, to be quite honest, I’m really not interested in church activities. I just have no time for religion.
PASTOR FENWICK: I won’t even try to push religion on you, Evan. After all, the religious leaders were some of Christ’s strongest opponents. But I do think you need to consider Jesus Christ. Making money and building your business can never fill the void in your life that only Jesus can fill. I know it’s a busy season for you, but surely you could find an hour on your calendar for the God of the universe?
EVAN: Sorry, Pastor Fenwick. My calendar is all booked up. I’ve no time for church programs.
PASTOR FENWICK: No time. No room. Sounds familiar.
EVAN: What’s that, Pastor Fenwick?
PASTOR FENWICK: Just thinking, Evan. You know that story by Charles Dickens about Ebenezer Scrooge?
EVAN: Ah, yes. I like Scrooge. He felt that Christmas was a colossal waste of time and money. I have to agree with him on that.
PASTOR FENWICK: Oh. You think, like Scrooge, that Christmas is a “poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every twenty-fifth of December”?
(PASTOR FENWICK pulls an empty pocket out of his pants as he says the last line.)
EVAN: Well, I’d have to admit that old Scrooge was pretty close to the truth on that one. Oh, I know the story ends with some sentimental garbage about Christmas filling our hearts with love and generosity. But, in reality, Christmas is overspending to buy gifts for people who don’t need or want them, then paying the bills for the rest of the year.
PASTOR FENWICK: I’ll agree the Christmas season has become far too commercial. But I’ve been reading the story A Christmas Carol lately and wondering how we would be changed if we could get a clear view of Christmas. Not quite like the visions Scrooge got, but a real view of Christmas past, present, and future from God’s own spirits.
EVAN: Sorry, I don’t believe in ghosts.
PASTOR FENWICK: I’m not talking about ghosts, Evan. The Bible says angels are ministering spirits, sent by God to help people.
EVAN: Actually, Pastor Fenwick, I get way too much of Christmas the way it is.
PASTOR FENWICK: Well, never mind, Evan. Just tell Beth to try the bathrobe on Peter. And if you change your mind, we’d love to see you at the program.
EVAN: Sure. I’ll tell them.
PASTOR FENWICK: See you later, Evan.
EVAN: Yeah.
(PASTOR FENWICK leaves. EVAN puts bathrobe on a chair in the kitchen, sits back down and works a bit longer, then falls asleep in his chair Lights go out.)
Christmas Past
INNKEEPERS take places in the dark. The SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PAST enters from the side of the kitchen. EVAN sits sleeping in his chair. Light on EVAN’S chair comes on. (Sound effects: clock chime rings once) SPIRIT clears throat. EVAN awakes, startled to see the SPIRIT.
EVAN: Who are you?
PAST SPIRIT (soft and childlike): I am the Spirit of Christmas Past. I’ve been sent to help you.
EVAN: I suppose that nosey preacher, Pastor Fenwick, sent you.
PAST SPIRIT: No. Actually, my orders come from much higher up.
EVAN: Well, I hope you haven’t come out of your way too much because I don’t need any help.
PAST SPIRIT: I don’t think your family would agree with that.
EVAN: So Beth sent you, did she?
PAST SPIRIT: No. My orders come from…
EVAN: . . . much higher up. I get it. Let’s see. I’m Ebenezer Scrooge. I’m not very good at celebrating Christmas, so you’re supposed to take me into my sad past and show me that Christmas is really worth celebrating.
PAST SPIRIT: Not exactly . . . though you have been acting rather like Scrooge lately.
EVAN: Ah. I know what’s happening. It was that bratwurst sandwich I ate for supper. Bratwurst always gives me weird dreams. How did Scrooge say it? “You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard.” Something like that. “There’s more of gravy than a grave about you, whatever you are”—ghost or spirit. This is just a dream, right? I’ll wake up and everything will be fine.
PAST SPIRIT: It is a dream, but you will determine how everything will be when you wake up.
(Low moving spotlight shines on biblical scene. EVAN looks to that direction.)
EVAN: Well, if you’re in charge of the dream, I’d say you’ve got the wrong scenery. This doesn’t look like anything out of my past—or even Dickens.
PAST SPIRIT: This is the real Christmas past—the very first Christmas. Here comes someone now.
(JOSEPH and MARY come on stage and approach the door of inn #1. Low moving spotlight shines on them.)
EVAN: Why, it’s Peter and Belinda! Oh, I get it. It’s the Christmas play. They’re Joseph and Mary.
PAST SPIRIT: Yes. Only in this dream this is the real Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary have traveled many miles with only a donkey to help them on their way. Mary is nearly ready to give birth, and Joseph is anxious to find a place for them to spend the night. See? He’s knocking on the door of an inn right now.
(JOSEPH knocks. INNKEEPER 1 answers.)
JOSEPH: Sir, my wife and I need a place to spend the night.
INNKEEPER 1: Sorry, we’re all full up. Everyone is, you know. With everyone coming to register for the census, every room is full.
JOSEPH: But my wife is about to give birth! Surely, you must have some small place where we can spend the night?
INNKEEPER 1: Sorry, there’s no room here.
(INNKEEPER 1 slams door [Sound effects: wood clapping]. JOSEPH and MARY approach door of inn #2.)
EVAN: Oh, Spirit, I do hope they find a room soon. Belinda, I mean Mary, looks so tired. And I remember how Beth felt when she was that far along. She was quite uncomfortable.
(Low moving spotlight shines on door of inn #2. JOSEPH knocks on door. INNKEEPER 2 answers the door.)
JOSEPH: We need a room for the night.
INNKEEPER 2: No room in this inn. You’ll have to go somewhere else.
(INNKEEPER 2 slams the door [Sound effects: wood clapping]. JOSEPH and MARY approach door of inn #3.)
EVAN: Will they ever find a room, Spirit?
PAST SPIRIT: How can they? Every inn in town is full.
EVAN: But Mary’s about to give birth! And this baby—well, isn’t He the Christ child?
PAST SPIRIT: The very one. He’s God’s own Son.
EVAN: Surely, someone must have room for them.
PAST SPIRIT: Just watch. (Low moving spotlight moves to door) Joseph is knocking at the last inn in town now.
(JOSEPH knocks on door. INNKEEPER 3 answers.)
JOSEPH: Sir, do you have anyplace my wife and I can stay? She is about to give birth.
INNKEEPER 3: Sorry, we don’t have any rooms left.
JOSEPH: But we must find a room—anyplace. We are desperate!
INNKEEPER 3: Well, I suppose you could stay in my stable. (Points to the stable) It’s not very nice, but it’s all I have left.
JOSEPH: Thank you so much, sir. We’d be very grateful to use your stable.
(Low moving spotlight goes out. JOSEPH and MARY position themselves in the stable. SHEPHERDS position themselves on the hillside.)
EVAN: A stable? Spirit, you mean God’s own Son was born out where the animals eat and sleep?
PAST SPIRIT: Yes. Haven’t you heard the Christmas story before?
EVAN: Well, I’ve heard the songs—”Away in a Manger,” and all that. But when I think that Mary was just a girl like Belinda, I realize that she got tired and uncomfortable like any expectant mother. Beth had a hard enough time giving birth in a clean hospital. I can’t imagine having the baby in a dirty stable. Why did God allow it?
PAST SPIRIT: It was the best Joseph and Mary could find. There was no room anywhere else.
SONG: “No Room for Jesus”
EVAN: No room? Surely someone would gladly have given up his bed if he had known the Christ child was to be born. Spirit, didn’t anyone care that the Christ child was born?
PAST SPIRIT: Most were too busy to think about it. Few recognized who He was. But there was one group of people who knew and cared. Outside of town on the hillsides, some poor shepherds were watching their sheep. (Low moving spotlight comes on to shine on SHEPHERDS) See? There they are now.
(Lights shine on hillside where SHEPHERDS sit watching sheep. ANGEL enters facing SHEPHERDS, who react as if terrified. They make no sound, however)
ANGEL: “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-12, KJV).
(MARY slips Baby Jesus into the manger during these last lines. Other ANGELS join first ANGEL. ANGELS sing “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks,” verse 5, “All glory be to God on high…, then exit.)
SHEPHERD 1: “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us” (Luke 2:15, KJV).
SHEPHERD 2: Yes! We must hurry!
SHEPHERD 3: But what will we do with our flocks?
SHEPHERD 2: Leave them behind. We must hurry and find the Christ child!
(SHEPHERDS go and kneel before Jesus. Low moving spotlight goes out on hillside, moves to stable and comes on.)
EVAN: But Spirit, just a few poor shepherds came to see Him in a dirty, smelly stable. That doesn’t seem like much of a celebration for when God’s own Son comes to earth!
PAST SPIRIT: No, it doesn’t. But “these are the shadows of the things that have been. That they are what they are, do not blame me!” They are a part of Christmas past. My time is drawing to an end now. Soon another Spirit will come visit you.
EVAN: Please, Spirit, could I just wake up now? I really don’t think I want to go on with this dream.
(Light fades. SHEPHERDS, MARY, JOSEPH and INNKEEPERS exit. BELINDA and PETER prepare to enter the kitchen setting. SPIRIT exits and SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT prepares to enter on other side of EVAN. EVAN falls asleep in his chair again.)
Christmas Present
SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT enters, on tiptoes as if sneaking, stable side of EVAN. Light on EVAN’S chair and kitchen light come on. [Sound effects: clock chimes two times.] SPIRIT reaches behind EVAN’S right shoulder and taps him on the left shoulder; teasing him. EVAN startles awake, looks to his left, then to the SPIRIT. EVAN stands.
PRESENT SPIRIT (bouncily): Hello, Ebenezer, I mean Evan. (Spirit slaps him on the back, heartily.) I am here to help you. I am the Spirit of Christmas Present.
(EVAN stands. If three different people play the three Spirits, omit the next two lines.)
EVAN: You look a lot like the Spirit of Christmas Past.
SPIRIT: We’re busy this time of year. We have to double up.
EVAN: Are you sure I’m still dreaming? I’m in my own home.
PRESENT SPIRIT: Of course you’re still dreaming. I’m here, am I not? (Winks.)
(BETH, PETER, and BELINDA enter through kitchen door with packages in arms. They set them on the table and sit down.)
EVAN (calling out to BETH who ignores him): Beth, Pastor Fenwick dropped by with Peter’s bathrobe.
PRESENT SPIRIT: They can’t hear or see you, Evan.
BELINDA: Oh, Mom, I can’t wait to decorate the Christmas tree. Can’t we at least bring it in the house and set it up?
BETH: No, we’d better leave it in the garage for the night. I’m not sure it’s going to fit in the living room without some trimming anyway.
BELINDA: Dad will have a fit when he sees how big it is!
BETH: That’s an understatement.
PETER: If Dad cares so much about how big the tree is, why didn’t he take us to pick it out?
BETH: He doesn’t have time for things like that.
BELINDA (notices the bathrobe and holds it up): Whose bathrobe is this? I never saw it before.
BETH: I don’t know. Maybe it’s the one Mrs. Fenwick wanted Peter to try on. Your father will know. I wonder where he is. Oh, well. Do you want to see what your father is getting me for Christmas? I haven’t wrapped it yet.
(BELINDA puts robe back and sits at the table. BETH takes toaster box out of bag.)
BELINDA: How come Dad doesn’t buy your present himself? You shouldn’t have to buy a present for yourself.
BETH: You know he doesn’t like to shop, and anyway, he’s always working when the stores are open.
PETER (taking toaster box and examining it): A new toaster. Cool. Now we won’t have to eat burnt toast anymore.
BETH: Isn’t it nice?
BELINDA: It’s kind of practical for Christmas, Mom. Wouldn’t you rather have had a necklace or something? We probably would have got a new toaster pretty soon anyway.
EVAN: She does like jewelry. I’ve never figured out why.
BETH: I always like a new jewelry. But it’s a bit awkward buying a gift for yourself from someone else. Dad would rather have a toaster.
EVAN: If she wants jewelry, she should buy it. I don’t know how to pick out something like that.
BELINDA: But it’s your gift.
EVAN: That’s right. It’s her gift.
BETH (sighs): Never mind. It’s a nice toaster and I like it. I’ll wrap it in gold wrapping paper.
PETER: How come Dad never does anything with us at Christmas? I thought Christmas was supposed to be a time for families to be together. We hardly even see Dad at Christmas.
BELINDA: That’s because he hates Christmas.
EVAN: I don’t exactly hate Christmas, though I’ll have to admit it’s not my favorite time of year.
SONG: “Bah! Humbug!”
BELINDA: Why does Dad hate Christmas so much?
BETH: I don’t know. (EVAN looks disappointed.) But remember, Dad doesn’t know Christ like we do. He sees Christmas as just a time when a baby was born in a stable and placed in a feeding trough long ago. He doesn’t see the cross and empty tomb. The best part about Christmas is that Jesus can be our Savior and friend today. Dad could use a friend. I think your father is quite lonely.
PETER: Dad? Lonely? I didn’t think he had time to be lonely.
BETH: Doing business can fill up hours, but it can never fill the emptiness of a lonely heart. Let’s pray that Dad will find time for Christ this Christmas.
PETER (angrily): He’ll never find time for God. He doesn’t even have time to come see our Christmas program. I ask him to come and he always says, “Maybe.” But he never comes. So who cares about being Joseph when your own father won’t even come see you? I don’t even want to be Joseph anymore. I’m going to tell Mrs. Fenwick to find someone else to play my part.
EVAN (to PETER): Peter, you can’t do that! (To SPIRIT) Spirit, tell him he can’t quit now. He’s a Scott. He can’t shirk his responsibility after he promised to do something. It’ll look bad.
PRESENT SPIRIT: Sorry, Evan. He can’t hear or see us. (Kitchen light goes out.) And I am fading too. (SPIRIT’S voice begins to fade and SPIRIT starts backing away, visibly shrinking.) Soon the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come will visit you.
(Light on EVAN’S chair goes out. SPIRIT leaves from stable side. EVAN calls out in the darkness.)
EVAN: Come back!
(BETH, PETER, and BELINDA leave through kitchen door)
Christmas Future
Light on EVAN’s chair comes on. SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME enters kitchen side and stands behind EVAN’S chair on stable side of EVAN. [Sound effects: clock chimes three times] EVAN awakes with a start and looks at SPIRIT. He stands up to speak.
(If using a different person to play each of the SPIRIT’S parts, use the next line and omit the three lines that follow it.)
EVAN: Oh. You must be the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.
(If using the same person to play all three of the SPIRITS, start this scene here.)
EVAN: Oh. It’s you again.
FUTURE SPIRIT (slowly, seriously, eerily): Yes, as I said, we’re . . .
EVAN: I know. You’re busy and you have to double up. I suppose this time you’re the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.
FUTURE SPIRIT (slowly, seriously, eerily): Yes.
EVAN: Where are we, Spirit?
FUTURE SPIRIT: We’re in Christ’s kingdom.
(If using one person to play all three Spirits, the Spirit pulls hood back and takes on the voice and personality of the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PAST and proceeds with these lines. If using three people, the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PAST steps forward, speaks lines, and exits.)
PAST SPIRIT (with enthusiasm): Jesus came to earth as a baby, born in a stable where animals were kept. He lived a simple life in a carpenter’s family. He was God in the flesh living among us. Though destined to be our King, He first became a servant, and died in our place on the cross. That was Christmas past. Now God, the Father, has exalted Him and has given Him a name that is above every name. He will reign forever in Heaven at the right hand of the Father. He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
(Spirit pulls hood back up to drape over his face. Three WALKERS enter from back of auditorium down center aisle. WALKERS talk among themselves, ignoring EVAN and the SPIRIT.)
WALKER 1: I can’t believe it. We’re finally going to see the King!
WALKER 2: We’re going to bow down at His feet and praise Him.
WALKER 3: I can’t wait to see Jesus!
EVAN (standing): Where are you going? (Takes a few steps) Wait. I want to go too.
FUTURE SPIRIT (eerily): They can’t hear you, Evan. But we’ll go. You can see the King, along with everyone else. In fact, you will see the King. Everyone will see Him whether he wants to or not.
EVAN: But Spirit, if Jesus is really King, wouldn’t everyone want to see Him?
(WALKERS exit as they reach right end of stage.)
FUTURE SPIRIT (pointing eerily with arm fully outstretched): Let’s go.
(EVAN and SPIRIT start walking. As they reach right end of stage, a bright spotlight from offstage comes on and they stop.)
FUTURE SPIRIT (pointing offstage): There He is, Evan. He’s going to speak to you. Bow down, quickly!
(EVAN bows down on his knees, not daring to look up. Voice booms from offstage. Tape of loud, booming voice comes on.)
VOICE: Evan Scott, depart from me. I never knew you. There is no room in my kingdom for you. (Bright spotlight fades or goes out. Voice fades.) No room. No room.
(EVAN staggers back to sit in his chair in the darkness. SPIRIT leaves quietly. Light comes on to shine on chair where EVAN sleeps fitfully.)
EVAN: No! Please, don’t leave me! I need You! No! There must be some room somewhere for me! Please! Can’t you find some room?
(BETH enters quickly from stable side of stage and shakes EVAN.)
BETH: Evan, wake up!
EVAN: There’s no room for me!
BETH: Evan, it’s only a dream. It’s all right. You’re right here in our house.
EVAN: Oh, Beth, I had a terrible dream. It was Christmas—Christmas Past and the innkeeper had no room for Jesus. Then it was Christmas Present and I had no room for Jesus. Then, in Christmas Future—Beth, it was terrible—Jesus had no room for me in His kingdom!
BETH: That was quite a dream, Evan! But Jesus does have room for you now. As long as you are still living, Jesus always has room for you. There’s always room at the cross for you.
CHOIR: “Room at the Cross for You”
EVAN: I’ve left Jesus out of my life long enough. I think it’s time for me to make room for him.
SONG: “No Room for Me”
(Light on EVAN’s chair goes out. House lights come on. Follow with closing comments as you chose.)
The end
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman”—traditional carol
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”—traditional carol
“Room at the Cross for You” by Ira F. Stanphill, copyright 1946, Singspiration.
Songs with original lyrics sung to public domain tunes: (Music follows.)
No Room for Jesus
Words by Deb Brammer
Tune: “0 Sing a Song” (traditional English carol)
No room for Jesus when He came from Heaven down to earth.
A humble stable was the best they would offer for His birth.
He was God’s own Son in human form, born in humility.
Such a shabby welcome for the King and the God of eternity.
No room for Jesus will He find when He knocks at my heart’s door?
Busy with ambitions of my own—there is room for nothing more.
No room for Jesus, God’s own Son, who died so I could live?
Like the innkeepers of long ago, have I nothing left to give?
Bah! Humbug!
Words by Art and Deb Brammer
Tune: “The Joyous Farmer” by Robert Schumann
(EVAN sings first verse.)
The gifts, the tree, the decorations too,
Instead of cheering me right up, they make me blue.
The kids insist I must go see their play,
With barefoot angels, kids in bathrobes, and some hay.
Don’t want to go to see their silly show.
Oh, Christmas is a time of greed and debt.
My family spends my paycheck while I stew and fret.
I dread and fear this season of the year.
The credit card makes holes I’d like to plug.
Don’t buy a gift for me this year. Oh Bah! Humbug!
(BELINDA and PETER sing second verse.)
The Scrooge is here. He looks just like our dad.
Instead of spreading Christmas cheer, he just looks sad.
I wish he’d come to see the play and me,
He’d rather stay at home and have the evening free.
He’ll never go to see my Christmas show.
The Christmas Spirit never touches Dad.
It takes much more than Christmas joy to make him glad.
He hates the noise. There’s nothing he enjoys.
While all the relatives line up to hug,
Our dad hides in a corner, mumbling, “Bah! Humbug!
No Room for Me
Words by Deb Brammer
Tune: “Watchman! What of the Night?” by George C. Stebbins
No room for Christ in my heart; No time for God’s holy Son.
I’ve filled up my life with other things. Just look at the good I have done.
When I come to the end of my life And all my activities cease,
When I face the same God I was too busy for,
Will He find room for me?
Will God find room for me?
Links for songs:
O Sing a Song – music for No Room for Jesus
The Joyous Farmer – music for Bah! Humbug!
I think you may have just solved my problem, well the largest of them. Our church is small plus we are having a lot of sickness right now. I was a bit overwhelmed but hope to see some results with this. Thank you for sharing.
Your program “No Room for Jesus” is just what we were looking for . We hope to do it justice and the Lord be praised by it. Thanks for allowing us to use it. I see the links for the songs have expired is there another place to find them? Thanks again
Thanks for pointing out that these links weren’t working. I think they’re fixed now. Just try again.
Thanks so much, the links are working. God Bless
Approximately how long is this play?
It’s been a few years since we did this one, but I think it must be about 40 minutes long.