To The Teacher
This material may be used in different ways depending on the needs and English ability of your students. Here are some suggestions for adapting this material for use with various levels.
Vocabulary. Start each section of material by going over the vocabulary. Say each word and have the students repeat after you. Work on problem sounds. Use each word in a sentence or have the students make up their own sentences.
Some words may be used as several different parts of speech. To avoid confusion, only the part of speech used in the lesson the word originally appears in is given. The vocabulary list at the end of the book also gives only the meanings of the words as they are used in this book.
Text. Read each sentence and have the students repeat after you. Or go around the room having each student read one sentence at a time. You may need to translate the sentences or you may read each sentence and have the students translate into their native tongue.
Questions. The questions with the text are designed to be very easy to answer. The answers should come straight from the text. These questions allow you to see if the students understand the text. Even lower level students should be able to answer these and feel good about that. These questions don’t require the student to give his opinion or push him to accept what is written, but merely to tell what the text says.
To Think About. This section was designed mainly for the advanced student. This section requires thought and allows students to express their opinions. These questions may lead naturally into the gospel when students are ready for that, but they also allow students to express their opinions on subjects that are not strictly Biblical. Listening to the students at these times without always feeling the need to set them straight will allow you to build a personal relationship with your students without pressuring them to believe. Then, as the Spirit leads, you can turn these discussions toward a gospel presentation.
This section can also be used for the lower level student. The teacher may read the section aloud or have the students do so. He may give short comments, asks for students comments allowing them to use their native tongue, or simply instruct the students to think about these thoughts during the coming week.
After lesson 23 you will find two lessons. “How to Become a Christian” (filed under “Plan of Salvation”) may be taught at any time, or simply be used as reference for your students. “Where Did our Universe Come From?” contains abstract thought and will be too difficult for some students to follow. Though the lesson is as simple as possible for the subject matter, it is the hardest lesson and could be discouraging to students who are just starting to study with you. For those who can follow it, however, it may be helpful and thought provoking, causing them to examine what they believe in this area. You may want to use it with your advanced students.
These lessons were originally written in the early 1990’s for our ESL ministry in Taiwan. I have re-formatted them and am no longer using them in our present ministry. Please excuse any mistakes. You are welcome to notify me of mistakes so that I can change them.