
Southern Exposures Photography

New Features!

 Here are some things I’ve added lately: 

Formatting Your Work for Editors tells you how to save editors work by using correct format. It talks about indenting paragraphs and spaces between lines and sentences. https://debbrammer.com/writers-circle/writing-articles/formatting-your-work-for-editors/

Critique Groups tells you what to expect from a writers’ critique group and how to find one. https://debbrammer.com/writers-circle/writing-articles/critique-groups/

Writers’ Circle: Sign up for my writers’ email update to make following new features easy. https://debbrammer.com/writers-circle  


Welcome to my website.  If you are one of my readers, thank you for giving meaning to my ministry. Without you my writing would have no purpose. You can find out how the Lord led me to where I am today. Or if you like a book I wrote, you can order another one.  If you are an aspiring writer I hope I can encourage you on your road to publication. Check out my Writers’ Circle. If you are in ministry, you will find many resources here, most of them free. I’ve used these resources in my own ministry. I’ve even listed gluten-free recipes.

If you are looking for programs, puppet scripts, ESL Bible studies, or even gluten-free recipes you will find something here.

Whoever you are I hope you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Friend. He is the One Who gives my life meaning and enables me to provide these things for you. May all the glory go to Him for He is worthy!          Deb