Fun Bible Activities for Kids in Lockdown/Quarantine

Whether you’re in New Zealand and call it “Lockdown” or in America and call it “Shelter-in-Place,” April 2020 can be a long month if you’ve got bored kids at home. This quarantine can be a huge inconvenience or an unprecedented opportunity, depending on how you look at it. For me, it means at least four weeks when I can spend more time writing.

If you’re a parent with kids at home it can be a great time to connect in a better way. You can also help your kids to connect to God in a greater way. For the rest of April I’m adding daily Bible activities for Kids on my Facebook author page. Why not start now and do the whole thing? This first week involves reading the Easter story in the Bible for themselves and doing fun Easter activities. You can find these daily activities here.


Where is God during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Unprecedented. Life is crazy right now in ways we’ve never seen before. For some, COVID-19 means extra work hours as they perform essential services. Others face economic hardship or stressful hours in isolation. Some are enjoying extra hours with family and a break from normal routine. Personally, the lock-down in New Zealand means I have far less ministry responsibilities and four weeks of time to give to writing my current work-in-progress. It is a gift and I want to use it well.

With all the disruptions we need to focus on God. No matter how dark or stressful the days may be, God is good. He is in control. And he is using the present crisis in good ways we can barely imagine.

If you are locked-down, this is a great time to strengthen your faith in the purposes of God. The Kindle edition of I Survived is now just 99 cents. It shows how five Bible characters survived their disasters and how we can learn from them to survive our own.

Is God Smiling on my Ministry?

I don’t mind pouring my life out for God as long as I know he is truly pleased. But how tragic it would be to spend my whole life, working hard for God, and find out I somehow missed the entire target!

Some people evaluate their ministry by results. If lots of people get saved and the church chairs are full, God must be pleased.  If hardly anyone gets saved and numbers are down, God must not be pleased.  But a careful study of Jonah, Noah, Jeremiah, and Isaiah will show that results are not always indicative of God’s approval. So how do you know if your work is good enough for God? How do you know if you are basically pleasing Him?

Warren Wiersbe says, “There is a difference between fruit and results. You can get results by following formulas, etc, but fruit comes from life. Results are counted and soon become silent statistics, but living fruit remains and continues to multiply to the glory of God.”

My husband and I have worked on two different fields for over forty years. We have been through years in which we have seen little visible fruit.  At a time like that, this question, “Am I pleasing God?” is crucial. If I’m not, I might as well go back to America and life a more comfortable life. If I am pleasing God, however, I will continue to serve in this place as long as He keeps me here. But how do I know?

Steve Saint must have had similar questions when he took his entire family to live, for one year, with a primitive tribe. His teenage daughter died shortly after leaving the tribe. As he reflected on her life he said, “Whenever I got terribly discouraged, she was the one who reminded me that we had not come for results. We had come for love and to be obedient to what we were convinced God wanted us to do.”

At one point, when our work seemed to be failing, I was desperate to know if God was smiling. We felt God had called us to our work there in Taiwan. We had worked hard, doing what we felt he wanted us to do. Our hearts are deceitful by nature and we can never completely know them, but we felt we were doing our best out of love for the Lord. God wasn’t showing us any major thing we were doing wrong, but, as far as we could see, the work was not moving forward.

I asked God to speak to me and show me if he was happy with my ministry. I searched Scripture for answers. This is what I came up with:

  • God understands. He knows what we’re like.
  • He’s not impossible to please.
  • If we are searching for what He wants us to do, He will let us know.
  • If we ask Him to show us ways that aren’t pleasing to Him, He will. (Hebrews 4:14-16, Isaiah 40:27-31, Psalm 103:11-14, Psalm 139)
  • Therefore, if I am serving Him the best I know how, depending on Him, following His guidance, and He doesn’t show me otherwise, He must be pleased!

In time God called us away from Taiwan to a ministry in New Zealand. We’ve now worked here for more than twenty years. We’ve had some good years of fruitful ministry, as well as difficult years with little visible fruit. We’ve learned that every ministry has ups and downs. We can’t let the down times shake us. We need to be faithful in every season of ministry.

God sees and rewards.

Our labor is not in vain.

God won’t forget our work when we serve Him out of sincere love. (1 Corinthians 15:58, Hebrews 6:10)

In my imperfect efforts, God sees my heart. As an earthly father is pleased with his child’s best effort in drawing him a picture, however imperfect it may be, so our Heavenly Father is pleased by our best efforts to show our love for Him.

Have you been through times in your ministry when you struggled to see God’s smile? What verses helped you?




20/20 Vision: New Focus for a New Decade

Since my last blog we’ve moved into a new decade. Maybe you’re entering it with mixed emotions. You’re challenged by the new opportunities, but alarmed at how fast the world is changing. You’ve memorized some of God’s promises, but you’ve also seen your share of heartaches. Worry-filled whispers disturb your peace.

What will this new decade bring to your life?

Recently, while sorting through my files, I found a journal from the 1980’s. Reading those entries I was reminded of a long forgotten period in our lives that included some of our most difficult days. At that time my family and I were missionaries in Taiwan.


Due to a rapid decline in the value of the US dollar and a new financial commitment in our ministry, we were not making it financially. Things were breaking that we could not afford to have fixed. Our finances were inadequate and I could find no other reasonable ways to cut corners.


We were going through one of our most stressful times of personal conflict in a situation that had developed there in Taiwan. As a result, we backed out of a group in which we had previously found friendship and emotional support.


During the most painful part of this conflict, a family in our tiny mission church felt overlooked and quit coming over a very trivial matter.  They shared their complaints with singles in the church.

Missionary Friends

In the same couple of years that these things happened, some missionary friends of ours, a family and a single, had to leave Taiwan suddenly due to extreme personal problems and failure.

It was a scary time for us, but we lived through it and continued our ministry in Taiwan for nearly ten more years until the Lord led us away from there and to our current ministry in New Zealand. Why am I sharing this? Because tough times can shake our resolve or even our faith. Or they can make us stronger. In the moment of crisis we just want to survive. In tough times we all need encouragement. Looking back to this difficult time in my past gives me help and hope for the future that I want to share with you.

Hindsight is 20/20.

At the moment of decision we often wonder which choice is right. In hindsight, of course, we can see things that would have helped us make that decision, had we but known. Looking back on my situation from the 1980’s in hindsight encourages me as I approach the 2020’s with confidence. God brought us through those days and He will bring me through my future. When I forget that, it’s because I’ve lost my spiritual focus. How can you and I adjust our spiritual vision closer to 20/20 and see more clearly? It’s a matter of focus.

Focus on God’s promises, not your fears.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

The future is as bright as the promises of God. But sometimes we can only see the problem and not the provision. As our finances tightened in the 1980’s, we wondered if we would have to leave the field early to raise support. Then several churches raised our support. Also, due to a sad situation in the life of another missionary, a church from Singapore started supporting us, sight unseen, and became one of our highest supporting churches throughout the rest of our ministry in Taiwan. Philippians 4:19 proved true once again.

The future may look dark, but God sees it perfectly and He promises to give us everything we need to follow His will. When we get discouraged, it’s a sure sign that we are focusing more on our problems than God’s promises.

Focus on the future, not the past.

 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14

These verses liken the Christian life to a foot race. To run the race of the Christian life well, we have to forget the things behind and press forward. The past can hold us back if we hold onto it too tightly. In the midst of our difficulties we need to come to terms with the challenges and resolve problems when possible. But then we need to move on.

During the conflict in the 1980’s, we were unable to resolve our differences with one family, but we learned to greet them in a friendly way when we ran into them. That didn’t make us best friends, but it did allow us to breathe when they were around. Time healed that wound and the experience of moving past a painful situation taught us how to handle a similar situation years later.

Reading my journal from the 1980’s also made me thankful for a poor memory. These years were some of our most difficult, but thankfully time has dimmed the memory and healed the pain. We chose to remember the good times and let the bad memories fade. That tells me that, when life seems so difficult you can scarcely breathe, that is not the end.  Healing and hope ahead call us to keep running the course God has given to us.

Focus on where God is leading.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Psalm 37:23

Sometimes a disturbing event signals a change we need to make. In the 1980’s God used the conflict we were experiencing to lead us to change schools for our daughters. Later, in 1996 the Lord led us away from Taiwan, but we stayed until God’s leading was clear and certain. Leaving before God’s time would have been failure. Staying past God’s time for us to leave would have been failure as well.

The Lord not only orders our steps. He orders our stops as well.  When God stops you, take time to refocus. Perhaps God is leading you in a new direction. If so, that stop is actually progress.

Focus on your own course.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 12:1-3

 These verses compare our life of faith to a race to be run. It’s easy to get distracted by other runners or worries that weigh us down. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus, the finisher of our faith, who endured His course all the way to the cross. He will help us finish our course.

In the 1980’s, it was scary seeing other missionaries fail and become disqualified from ministry. Later on, some of our closest missionary friends left the field to move to other ministries. But their race was different than ours. We needed to persevere in Taiwan as long as God’s will for our ministry was there.

When we face fears, conflict, failure, confusion, or any other obstacles, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and get on with the race.

So how will you greet the 2020’s? Will you shrink back in fear or welcome the decade with faith? I choose faith. Will you join me?

I close with a quote from Our Daily Bread about 60 years ago. Times have changed, but God’s wisdom, power, and control are as strong as ever.

“The year ahead is untried – it is beckoning tomorrow fraught with new experiences and possibilities. The wise in heart will enter it with faith, hope, and Scriptural optimism, and determine to take advantage of every God-given opportunity.”